Computational Neuroscience Lectures and Workshops
Previous events 2020-2021, *ONLINE*
In this lecture series, outstanding researchers presented central topics in computational and theoretical neuroscience. All speakers gave both a research talk and a general introduction to a computational neuroscience topic.
Organizers 2020/2021 : Arjun Bharioke, Claire Meissner-Bernard, Fiona Muellner,
13th of October 2021 Talk at 15:00 (CET) Workshop at 16:30 (CET) |
Sara Solla | Northwestern University » More about the speaker Stability of neural dynamics underlies stereotyped learned behavior Low dimensional manifolds for neural population dynamics | ||||||||
25th May 2021, Seminar at 13:00 and workshop at 14:15 (CET) |
Misha Tsodyks | Weizmann Institute of Science » More about the speaker Mathematical models of human memory 16th February 2021, 17:00 (CET) |
Rava da Silveira | ENS Paris and IOB Basel | » More about the speaker Efficient random codes in a shallow neural network 19th January 2021, 14:00 (CET) |
SueYeon Chung | Columbia University, New York | » More about the speaker Neural manifolds in deep networks and the brain 24th of November 2020 |
Workshop at 10:30 (CET) Talk at 13:00 (CET) Yoram Burak | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
» More about the speaker Spatial computation as a window into principles of neural network dynamics, computation, and coding Linking neural representations of space by grid cells and place cells in the hippocampal formation. 15th December 2020 |
Workshop at 15:15 (CET) Talk at 13:15 (CET) Robert Rosenbaum | University of Notre Dame, Indiana |
» More about the speaker Simulations and mean-field theory of spiking neuronal network models. Universal Properties of Neuronal Networks with Excitatory-Inhibitory Balance. |