
Computational Neuroscience Lectures and Workshops

Previous events 2020-2021, *ONLINE*

In this lecture series, outstanding researchers presented central topics in computational and theoretical neuroscience. All speakers gave both a research talk and a general introduction to a computational neuroscience topic.
Organizers 2020/2021 : Arjun Bharioke, Claire Meissner-Bernard, Fiona Muellner,

13th of October 2021

Talk at 15:00 (CET)

Workshop at 16:30 (CET)  
Sara Solla | Northwestern University
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Stability of neural dynamics underlies stereotyped learned behavior

Low dimensional manifolds for neural population dynamics
25th May 2021, Seminar at 13:00 and workshop at 14:15 (CET)
Misha Tsodyks | Weizmann Institute of Science
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Mathematical models of human memory

16th February 2021, 17:00 (CET)
Rava da Silveira | ENS Paris and IOB Basel
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Efficient random codes in a shallow neural network

19th January 2021, 14:00 (CET)
SueYeon Chung | Columbia University, New York
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Neural manifolds in deep networks and the brain

24th of November 2020

Workshop at 10:30 (CET)

Talk at 13:00 (CET)  
Yoram Burak | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
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Spatial computation as a window into principles of neural network dynamics, computation, and coding

Linking neural representations of space by grid cells and place cells in the hippocampal formation.
15th December 2020

Workshop at 15:15 (CET)

Talk at 13:15 (CET)  
Robert Rosenbaum | University of Notre Dame, Indiana
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Simulations and mean-field theory of spiking neuronal network models.

Universal Properties of Neuronal Networks with Excitatory-Inhibitory Balance.
