Nancy E. Hynes

Nancy E. Hynes
The molecular basis of breast cancer
The correct interpretation of extracellular signals is essential for proper developmental and proliferative responses. Failure may lead to malignant growth. Receptors of the tyrosine kinase family play pivotal roles in these processes. In breast cancer the ErbB receptor family, in particular ErbB2 has an important role in ~20% of tumors. Other receptors, including members of the FGF receptor family and the Ret receptor are also aberrantly expressed in breast cancer. We are studying these receptors to understand how they contribute to cancer development using in vitro and in vivo tumor models.
A. Gattelli, M.E. Garcia Sola, T.C. Roloff, R.D. Cardiff, E.C. Kordon, L.A. Chodosh, N.E. Hynes (2018) Chronic expression of wild-type Ret receptor in the mammary gland induces luminal tumors that are sensitive to Ret inhibition
Oncogene. Jul;37(29):4046-4054M.B. Moor, S. K. Ramakrishnan, F. Legrand, S. Dolder, M. Siegrist, F. Durussel, G.Centeno, D. Firsov, N. E. Hynes, W. Hofstetter, O. Bonny (2018) Redox-dependent bone alkaline phosphatase dysfunction drives part of the complex bone phenotype in mice deficient for Memo1
JBMR Plus. 2018 Jul;2(4):195-205C.Y. Ewald, J.M. Hourihan, M.S. Bland, C. Obieglo, I. Katic, L.E. Moronetti Mazzeo, J. Alcedo, T.K. Blackwell, N.E. Hynes (2017) NADPH oxidase-mediated redox signaling promotes oxidative stress resistance and longevity through memo-1 in C. elegans
Elife. 2017 Jan 13;6. pii: e19493T. Smirnova, L. Bonapace, G. MacDonald, S. Kondo, J. Wyckoff, H. Ebersbach, B. Fayard, A. Doelemeyer, M.-M. Coissieux, M. R. Heideman, M. Bentires-Alj, N.E. Hynes (2016) Serpin E2 promotes breast cancer metastasis by remodeling the tumor matrix and polarizing tumor associated macrophages
Oncotarget. Oct 26, 2016A.Bottos, D. Gotthardt, J.W. Gill, A. Gattelli, A. Frei, A. Tzankov, V. Sexl, A. Wodnar-Filipowicz, N.E. Hynes. (2016) Decreased NK-cell tumour immunosurveillance consequent to JAK inhibition enhances metastasis in breast cancer models
Nat Commun. Jul 13;7:12258MacDonald G, Nalvarte I, Smirnova T, Vecchi M, Aceto N, Doelemeyer A, Frei A, Lienhard S, Wyckoff J, Hess D, Seebacher J, Keusch JJ, Gut H, Salaun D, Mazzarol G, Disalvatore D, Bentires-Alj M, Di Fiore PP, Badache A, Hynes NE (2014) Memo is a copper-dependent redox protein with an essential role in migration and metastasis
Sci Signal 7:ra56Haenzi B, Bonny O, Masson R, Lienhard S, Dey JH, Kuro-o M, Hynes NE (2014) Loss of Memo, a novel FGFR regulator, results in reduced lifespan
FASEB J 28:327-336Hynes NE, Ingham PW, Lim WA, Marshall CJ, Massague J, Pawson T (2013) Signaling change: signal transduction through the decades
Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 14:393-398Gattelli A, Nalvarte I, Boulay A, Roloff TC, Schreiber M, Carragher N, Macleod KK, Schlederer M, Lienhard S, Kenner L, Torres-Arzayus MI, Hynes NE (2013) Ret inhibition decreases growth and metastatic potential of estrogen receptor positive breast cancer cells
EMBO Mol Med 5:1335-1350Issa A, Gill JW, Heideman MR, Sahin O, Wiemann S, Dey JH, Hynes NE (2013) Combinatorial targeting of FGF and ErbB receptors blocks growth and metastatic spread of breast cancer models
Breast Cancer Res 15:R8Heinrich C, Keller C, Boulay A, Vecchi M, Bianchi M, Sack R, Lienhard S, Duss S, Hofsteenge J, Hynes NE (2010) Copine-III interacts with ErbB2 and promotes tumor cell migration
Oncogene 29:1598-610Boulay A, Breuleux M, Stephan C, Fux C, Brisken C, Fiche M, Stumm M, Lane HA, Hynes NE (2009) The Ret receptor tyrosine kinase functionally interacts with the ER-alpha pathway in breast cancer
Cancer Res 68: 3743-3751Fayard B, Bianchi F, Dey J, Moreno E, Djaffer S, Hynes NE*, Monard D* (2009) The serine protease inhibitor protease nexin-1 controls mammary cancer metastasis through LRP-1-mediated MMP-9 expression
Cancer Res 69:5690-8*joint senior authors
Hynes NE, Dey JH (2009) PI3K inhibition overcomes trastuzumab resistance: blockade of ErbB2/ErbB3 is not always enough
Cancer Cell 15:353-355Hynes NE, MacDonald G (2009) ErbB receptors and signaling pathways in cancer
Curr Opin Cell Biol 21:177-184Hynes NE, Stoelzle T (2009) Key signalling nodes in mammary gland development and cancer: Myc
Breast Cancer Res 11:210Matsuda Y, Schlange T, Oakeley EJ, Boulay A, Hynes NE (2009) Wnt signaling enhances breast cancer cell motility and blockade of the Wnt pathway by sFRP1 suppresses MDA-MB-231 xenograft growth
Breast Cancer Res 11:R32Meira M, Masson R, Stagljar I, Lienhard S, Maurer F, Boulay A, Hynes NE (2009) Memo is a novel cofilin interacting protein that influences PLCg1 and cofilin activities, and is essential for maintaining directionality during ErbB2 induced tumor cell migration
J Cell Sci 122:787-797Stoelzle T, Schwarb P, Trumpp A, Hynes NE (2009) c-Myc affects mRNA translation, cell proliferation and progenitor cell function in the mammary gland
BMC Biol 7:63